
With the experimental music of "Nightmarish" I set to music dramatic moments from world history. The means for my music were very limited. It all came about with analog synthesizers and many percussion instruments and natural soundscapes. I put myself mentally into the tragic epochs of time and worked me the subject matter into it. In "Pompeii" express my preference for the mystical magical world of antiquity. For me, it was a journey into the past. "Pompeii" shows how vulnerable the human being of Mother Nature is. The two official albums "Utrecht" and "Pompeji" are out of print and then appeared on the Galakthorrö label.

Nightmarish - Pompeji

"Caldarium" is on the CD Pompeji. " Casa delle Colombe" is an unpublished piece, which belongs to the album "Pompeji", but was not available at that time.

5. Februar 62 n. Chr.

After a severe earthquake devastated Campania and caused great damage in Pompeji, the inhabitants began to rebuild their city.


The Forum thermal baths are an integral part of the Pompeian culture. In the hazy atmosphere of the caldarium, the hot water bath, the Pompeians find relaxation and tranquility.

Poppaea Sabina

The beautiful Poppaea Sabina comes from a very wealthy Pompeyan family. Nero, the Roman emperor, takes them in 62 AD. to the wife. Pompeii and his citizens, who were damaged by her husband's actions for the earthquake, are very popular with the people of Poppaes Sabina.

Porta di Nocera

The deceased are honoured in Pompeji, where they are often erected very magnificent grave monuments. The sequence of the tombs creates a Porta di Nocera, a street of the dead.

Casa del Fauno

This Pompeian house is one of the largest and most magnificent in the city. It owes its name to a bronze faunal statuette, which is
located in the Impluvium, a water basin, in the atrium of the house.


The priestess Eumachia, who belongs to the rich Pompeian family of the Eumachii, is one of the most important women in the city.


Isia is one of the most important celebrations in memory of the goddess Isis, in which the Isisites renounce their past life and
commit themselves to lead a purer life.

In the arena of the amphitheatre often bloody gladiator fights take place, which find great enthusiasm among the people.

Venus Pompeiana

Pompeji is dedicated to the goddess of love Venus, and so love finds itself as an all-encompassing element in the thinking and acting of the Pompeians. As a well-meaning, understanding goddess, the Venus Pompeiana is above all asked for happiness and prosperity.


The Nymphaeum is a well house dedicated to the nymphs.


Silen is an originally grotesque figure and hybrid of man and horse, companion of Dionysus - Bacchus.

Villa dei Misteri

The mysterious paintings in the suburban villa represent, among other things, the initiation into Dionysian mysteries. Rumor has it that it served as a secret site of an officially banned religious community.

Casa del Colombe

House of the dove mosaic.

24. August 79 n. Chr.

On 24 August 79 A.D. Mount Vesuvius erupts. The Pompeians
considered this to be long gone. About the fertile slopes of the
Mountains with their forests, orchards and grapevines pour out the Lava flows into the valley, while the ruptured crater cinders, ashes, stones and deadly gases into the sky. Pompeii is doomed.